Tour de Cure

I was very proud to be a part of May’s Tour de Cure bike race in Cary. Peak Wellness & Chiropractic supported the tour with complimentary Kinesiotaping demonstrations and soft tissue adjustments for the benefit of the athletes. Check out some of the pictures of the event below.

The Tour de Cure is a series of fundraising cycling events held in 44 states nationwide to benefit the American Diabetes Association. You can learn more about the Tour on their website.


Recipes from Patient Appreciation Week

Black Bean Brownies (Gluten Free and Dairy Free)

  • 1-15oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 Tbs cocoa
  • 1/2 c oats
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 maple syrup
  • 1/4 c coconut oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  1. Preheat oven to 350*
  2. Combine ingredients in a food processor.
  3. Pulse in 1/2 c chocolate chips.
  4. Pour into an 8×8 baking dish. Bake 15-18 min. (I baked for 25 min. Let stand 20 min to cool then cut and remove from dish.

Nice and gooey!!


Power Balls (Gluten Free and Dairy Free)

  • 1 c raw almonds
  • 1 c medjool dates
  • 1/4 c raisins
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground cardamom
  • 1/4 c raw almond butter
  1. In a food processor grind almonds until finely ground. Add dates, raisins, & spices. Grind into fine meal.
  2. Add almond butter, process again until fully mixed.
  3. Form into balls and roll in shredded organic coconut (finely shredded…I didn’t end up putting the coconut on mine).
  4. Seal in container on counter for up to 3 days or refrigerate for 1 week.

Patient Appreciation Week

Mon. Feb. 3 to Fri. Feb. 7

In the first full week in February Peak Wellness and Chiropractic will be having our first patient appreciation week. During this week we will feature the following special offers

  • $20 Adjustments: If you bring in 3 canned goods, to be donated locally at Wake County Crisis Ministry. (This is for adjustments only- does not include therapy).
  • Special Discount for New Patients: Initial consultation, examination and treatment fee will be $50 for anyone who schedules during this week (a savings of $25).
  • $25 Credit for Referals: If you refer a new patient to Peak Wellness during Patient Appreciation Week and that person lists your name on the intake form you will receive a $25 credit to use in 2014. Credits can be redeemable towards the cost of chiropractic treatment, supplements or supplies.
  • Free chair massages: Free chair massages and $5 paraffin wax treatment for your hands from Debbie, our massage therapist will be available.
  • Free healthy snacks and drinks

Please call the office at (919) 249-6461 to make an appointment. Walk-Ins are welcome.

*If you decide to purchase additional treatment you have the legal right to change your mind within 3 days and receive a refund.

** This does NOT apply to Medicare and Medicaid patients.

Core Workouts

Core Stability Weakness

The “core” of the body is made up of a handful of muscles.  The rectus abdominus and transverse abdominals are in the front. The external and internal obliques are on the sides, and the multifidus muscle is in the back. Basically: these are the muscles that most people refer to when they are talking about having good abs.

I frequently find an underlying core weakness problem with many of my patients.

In today’s age everyone is obsessed with getting a flat stomach and doing their ab/core workouts. Most of the time when I ask patients what they are doing for their ab/core workouts I get…

  • sits ups
  • crunches
  • ab machines in the gym

This is not the way to go about getting a stronger core. In fact, if you have a low back problem it could be making it worse and potentially weakening your core more.

Dying Bug

When one of my patients shows signs of a weak core, I recommend the Dying Bug. This exercise is all about bracing the core and using all of the muscles that make it up.

Here is a great video from Dr. Kathy Dooley, DC that demonstrates what the Dying Bug is and how it should be properly performed.

Incorporating this exercise into your workouts, along with performing planks and leg raises will be more beneficial then any amount of sit ups. It will help you develop a stronger core which in turn may help relieve back pain.

Leg Raises

I also found an amazing video on leg raises to share. While watching this video take note of control and stability of Al Kavadlo. Maintaining stability should be your goal while performing this exercise.

Take your time and be controlled during all of your workouts. Remember, it does not matter how many reps you can do – poor form will only lead to an injury. Rather, successful workouts are all about how many good, controlled reps you can do. You will get there and be stronger, but it takes time.

Core Stability Assessment

Consider getting an assessment to make sure you do not have a core stability problem.

Certified NKT professionals will know how to asses and treat this problem. You can refer to the NKT website and look for a provider near you. Peak Wellness and Chiropractic is one of the only certified NKT practices in the area. Call our office at (919) 249-6461 to set up an initial consultation. I would love to help you become stronger and pain free!

– Dr. Megan Reed, DC, NKT, SFMA

NeuroKinetic Therapy: the Missing Link?

NeuroKinetic Therapy: The Missing Link?


This is my study group from the NKT session Toronto

This is my study group from the NKT session Toronto

Recently, I traveled to Toronto, Canada to attended a NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) seminar. Many of you are probably not familiar with this. But in my opinion I think that is the “the missing link” that I and many other like-minded therapists have been looking for!

David Weinstock developed NKT in part due to his own frustration with the lack of permanent results that he was obtaining with his own clients. He found he was treating the symptoms, not the causes. Although his clients loved what he did and received temporary relief, some of them would return with  the same discomfort. Clearly,  something was missing…

What is NKT?

In the early 1980s Dr. Weinstock started incorporating manual muscle testing into his practice which he later combined with the idea of muscle compensation.

By testing and retesting muscles, Weinstock  learned that muscles become chronically tight to brace for weaker or inhibited muscles. A muscle doesn’t necessarily have to be stretched and released because of tightness. If you do not find why the muscle is tight in the first place and fix that relationship the muscle will eventually tighten up again.

NKT also works with the Motor Control Center (MCC) which is where the body coordinates it’s movement patterns  Here is an example of this concept from Weinstock’s book:

Let’s say I want to get a cookie off the top of the shelf. Before my hand can reach up there and grasp it, many things need to happen in a chain of command. First the limbic system demands that I “fill my needs.” Next the cerebral cortex selects a strategy: “Take this route.” Then the motor control center (MCC), where all movement patterns are coordinated, says, “Do it this way now.” That message is sent to the spine, whose command is “Do it!” Finally, all of this neural information arrives at the muscles, where “doing it” actually occurs. The brain learns from failure. When a client cannot perform a manual muscle test, the MCC “lights up” and becomes available for new learning.  David then realized that the cause of the unresolved conditions lay in the MCC. – NeuroKinetic Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Manual Muscle Testing by David Weinstock

NKT, therefore, is a technique that not only recognizes the importance of motor control theory; it works with the body’s MCC to make significant changes in movement patterns. The brain has to relearn how to perform a functional movement pattern and rid itself of a dysfunctional one.

Why would you develop a dysfunctional muscle pattern in the first place?

Well, this is an easy question: Lets look at an easy example: athletes.

When an athlete is out on the field or court the pressure to compete means that their body willdo anything it can to make the movements that are asked of it. If the body does not have the proper movement pattern to accomplish the requested task, it will find another pattern. There are many reasons why someone may have a faulty movement pattern. Examples include bad pasture, improper breathing, a sprained ankle, etcetera. The body will compensate for these weaknesses by creating faulty movement patterns. Unless corrected, these patterns can persist and cause discomfort or pain.

NeuroKinetic Therapy works by prompting the body to forget faulty movement patterns and relearn proper ones.

In conclusion…

I think that this technique is going to help practitioners figure out the why’s in practice. Yes, you may have plantar fasciitis but why did you get it? Diagnosing someone with a problem is not necessarily the hard part. It’s figuring out why they developed the problem in the first place!

Patients, should ask their doctor why they are experiencing pain or discomfort. Don’t settle for someone who just does the cookie cutter treatment without diagnosing underlying causes. In my opinion you, as the patient, should be able to experience some kind in four visits. If you do not then the treatment that you are getting is not the treatment that you need.

I’m not saying that my treatment is the only treatment but I will keep learning new techniques and searching for the answers to better serve my patients!

– Dr. Megan Reed, Peak Wellness and Chiropractor

Contact Peak Wellness and Chiropractic today to see how we can help you.

Functional Movement Taping

Over this past weekend I was at Duke Medical Rehab Center.


Because I want to be the best doctor that I can for all of YOU.

With that in mind my mission is to figure out the “why’s”.  Why does your SI always get locked up? Why do you have knee pain? Why does your right low back always feel tight? Why is your neck so tight?

As your doctor I feel that if I can figure out “why” you are in pain, then I will be able to get you out of pain for a longer period of time! I treat each and every one of my patients like my family, and that means I have a real passion to aspire to help you in any way that I can.

Figuring out “what” you have is not hard but figuring out “why” you have the problem in the first place is another story.

This is what I feel separates me from other physicians…

At Duke Medical Rehab Center this past weekend I attended a seminar called Functional Movement Taping (FMT) or RockTape.

I already have a taping certification with Kinesiotaping but RockTape, in particular doesn’t just tape for pain but it also tapes for movement.  What I learned this weekend was mind-blowing and re-lit my passion to help people move better to get out of pain.

RockTape is very unique; it is applied directly to the skin and has no chemicals or medications in it. It can stay on anywhere from 3 to 5 days and can get wet. The tape helps your body communicate better with itself and helps lock in what I do with you in the office! It serves as an extra pair of hands in between visits from when I see you.

Most people wonder what it is and what it does… If you see someone with tape on his or her arms wouldn’t you wonder what it is?

There are two primary reasons to why someone will have the tape on.

One reason is they might be dealing with an injury and another reason is the tape actually helps them move better.

The tape provides feedback to your brain and helps improve neurological function. The tape has also been proven through research to make athletes stronger, faster, and more efficient…(ask me for the research if you would like to see it).

There are other tapes out there, yes. But as in everything… its HOW you use it or HOW you apply it.

When I use the tape I am not just taping painful areas or specific muscles. Instead I am taping fascia and movement. This allows your body to perform with maximum effort and stimulates the nervous system.

Who can use it?

Anyone can benefit.

It helps with aches, pains, swelling, injuries and athletes who are looking for an edge on the competition. The tape can also be applied to help pregnant women! It works unbelievably well.

If you have any questions about the tape or think you would be a perfect candidate to try the tape feel free to email me or call the office! or (919) 249-6461.

Looking forward to helping more people live pain free lives!


Image by FaceMePls

Image by FaceMePls

Have you ever been told “make sure you stretch before you workout?” Yes I am sure you have… As an athlete myself I have heard this many times.

Here is a great article from the New York Times responding to the research from The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research and The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.

“The numbers, especially for competitive athletes, are sobering. According to their calculations, static stretching reduces strength in the stretched muscles by almost 5.5 percent, with the impact increasing in people who hold individual stretches for 90 seconds or more. While the effect is reduced somewhat when people’s stretches last less than 45 seconds, stretched muscles are, in general, substantially less strong.”

Dr. Markovic also stated that the athlete performance “after warming up with stretching is likely to be worse than if they hadn’t warmed up at all.”

What This Means

Conversely, like many things there is another side. Some people need stretching (i.e body builders) because of their muscle bulk. If they do not stretch somewhat, before working out they may not be able to get into the proper position to execute an exercise (due to lack of tissue extensibility. So yes, that type of population needs to have some form of stretching included in their warm-up. The best way to achieve the right tissue extensibility and range of motion is to only hold the position for 30 seconds or less. Holding a stretch for between 20-30 seconds is the best way to accomplish this. If you hold a static stretch for more then 30 seconds, you may be reducing the muscles ability to contract with maximum force.

So, the take away from this article is that performing warm up stretches (>30 seconds) is not going to help you perform better. Instead,  warming up dynamically, by moving the muscles that will be called upon in your workout (like jumping jacks, jump roping, high knees or leg kicks) will give you the benefit of temporarily lengthening the muscle to give you that tissue extensibility. Also, adding in short duration stretches to target the same muscle groups that you will be working that day is also beneficial. This will help prepare the muscles for additional exercise, which is more beneficial than stretching alone!


How is your Health Insurance?

While health care conversations increasingly mention chiropractic care as a viable option for back and neck pain – and research increasingly supports its utility from a clinical standpoint – a recent U.S. study of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)-related health care expenditures by 12,000-plus adults (ages 17 and older) with spinal conditions lends support to the suggestion that CAM in general, and chiropractic specifically, is also a cost-effective alternative to traditional medical care.

Read Article Here