Core Stability Weakness
The “core” of the body is made up of a handful of muscles. The rectus abdominus and transverse abdominals are in the front. The external and internal obliques are on the sides, and the multifidus muscle is in the back. Basically: these are the muscles that most people refer to when they are talking about having good abs.
I frequently find an underlying core weakness problem with many of my patients.
In today’s age everyone is obsessed with getting a flat stomach and doing their ab/core workouts. Most of the time when I ask patients what they are doing for their ab/core workouts I get…
- sits ups
- crunches
- ab machines in the gym
This is not the way to go about getting a stronger core. In fact, if you have a low back problem it could be making it worse and potentially weakening your core more.
Dying Bug
When one of my patients shows signs of a weak core, I recommend the Dying Bug. This exercise is all about bracing the core and using all of the muscles that make it up.
Here is a great video from Dr. Kathy Dooley, DC that demonstrates what the Dying Bug is and how it should be properly performed.
Incorporating this exercise into your workouts, along with performing planks and leg raises will be more beneficial then any amount of sit ups. It will help you develop a stronger core which in turn may help relieve back pain.
Leg Raises
I also found an amazing video on leg raises to share. While watching this video take note of control and stability of Al Kavadlo. Maintaining stability should be your goal while performing this exercise.
Take your time and be controlled during all of your workouts. Remember, it does not matter how many reps you can do – poor form will only lead to an injury. Rather, successful workouts are all about how many good, controlled reps you can do. You will get there and be stronger, but it takes time.
Core Stability Assessment
Consider getting an assessment to make sure you do not have a core stability problem.
Certified NKT professionals will know how to asses and treat this problem. You can refer to the NKT website and look for a provider near you. Peak Wellness and Chiropractic is one of the only certified NKT practices in the area. Call our office at (919) 249-6461 to set up an initial consultation. I would love to help you become stronger and pain free!
– Dr. Megan Reed, DC, NKT, SFMA